No Escape from Bullying

As I said previously, I was a teacher. I was being bullied by another staff member over a long period of time. 

I would tell my partner how bad it was, hoping that it would stop him bullying me at home. I thought that if he knew what I was going through every day at work, he might comfort me or reassure me that things would eventually be okay. This was not the case.  His response was to constantly ask me if I wanted him to throw acid on her car or slash her tyres with one of the many knives he had made and collected at home. He even suggested going round to her house and doing damage to her husband. Of course I refused all of these, as I thought they were all horrendous solutions. 

Eventually, I went through the correct channels in work and the bullying gradually stopped. 

He loved his weapons. Oh how he loved them! 

He bought lots of different hunting knives of various sizes which were always stored somewhere around or underneath the bed. 

He made a lot of baseball bats which he dotted around the house and all of the doors. I always asked him why he felt the need to go to such lengths and he just said it was for protection. We lived in a beautiful country house, where the crime rate was zero. So to a normal person, this seemed so extreme. I am not talking about a normal person however. 

This man is extremely frightening and I was and still am, constantly afraid of what he might do to me if I cross him. That’s one of the reasons this is so hard to write about. 

I am still afraid of him today because I know what he’s capable of. He knows where I live and the possibilities are very scary. 

His behaviour was so extreme that even now, I’m scared to meet him because he lives in the same area. Even though I live with my daughter now, I never go out anymore. 

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