Do As I Say, Not As I Do

Looking back now, there were so many ‘Red Flags’ that I should have taken notice of. My inner voice was telling me that it was all wrong. 

He would always tell me what I should do or should be doing. However, he never once asked my opinion or what he should do. I wasted so many years of my life trying to ‘jump’ high enough, be ‘good’ enough or ‘give’ enough. Nothing was ever ‘enough’ though. Narcissists and sociopaths only care about how ‘they’ feel, what ‘they’ want and ‘their’ needs. 

Although I really tried to stay balanced, it was impossible when I was living with someone who was constantly trying to manipulate everything I did or said. 

I was always ‘wrong’ and he was always ‘right’. 

Next post will be published on Saturday 9th December!

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