Another Uncomfortable Car Journey 

I remember one lovely summer day, we got into the car. As it was so warm, we had the top down. We were in no hurry, just going to the local village. Two minutes into the drive we were held up briefly by some local workmen replacing tar on the road. They were smiling and waving as they always did. I had met them several times before on my way to and from work and they were always cheerful and very pleasant.

Just as we were in earshot of them, my partner shouted, very loudly, “Fuckin’ hurry up, ya’ baldy-headed bastards!” in a very aggressive tone. I was highly embarrassed and told him that they could hear him. His reply was “Fuck off!”. 

If there is one thing I’ve learned in all my years of teaching special needs, further and adult education, it is that no one is better than anyone else and to never take your mood out on them because you can never presume to know what they have been through. 

Another example of heartlessness from my ex-partner. 

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