Catastophe! Continued…

The doctors started to reduce my sedatives during the day to see if I would regain consciousness, but it never worked and I remained in a coma. 

However, one day, after all of my operations were complete, they stopped giving me sedatives, I regained consciousness and they were able to remove my ventilator. My daughters were overjoyed and from then on I started to improve, albeit gradually. My eldest was terrified that I would be paralysed and incontinent, but she was there every step of the way, no matter what.

I was so very lucky as I had a stroke when I took that 50-foot fall, but the only thing it ended up affecting was my memory of a few mini-series on Netflix 😝. Luckily I have no paralysis and am totally continent.

I did have a lot of nerve damage though, which is probably why I’m taking so long to be able to walk again. But I’m a fighter and with my daughter’s support, I’ll get there. I walk with a stick at the moment but I am determined that eventually, I’ll be able to jog again. 

I was in hospital for 6 months. My ex-partner visited less than a handful of times and even then, he could only bear to stay for 10 to 15 minutes. The nursing staff didn’t trust my ex-partner and were concerned for my safety when he came to the hospital. So they kept coming in to check I was okay when he was present. 

I’ll never forget the day he came in to see me when I had sepsis (which had spread to my brain and caused delirium) and pneumonia. I was sitting up in bed and trying to look strong even though I was very ill at the time. He sat down and told me that he no longer found me attractive and didn’t love me anymore. Then he left. Who says that to someone who is so close to death?! Your very own narcissist, that’s who! At least he no longer pretended that he cared.

From the moment I was allowed to go home to live with my daughter, I was determined to do everything for myself. It took a long time to wash and dress at first, but gradually I became adept at it. My daughter said she was so glad because she knew that I couldn’t live without being independent. 

My own personal narcissist never gave me a second thought. I know now that he would have preferred it if I had died. 

Well ‘Tough Luck Donald Duck!’ because I’m still here and fighting all the way.

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