The Nightmare Never Ends

Last Wednesday, when I would usually release a new blog post, my headspace was completely consumed by my weighing up of a decision regarding the house, after a meeting with my solicitor. I still co-own that house with my narcissistic ex-partner, where he is now living with his new partner/ victim.

I posted on Drag Me Down’s Social Media pages and on Reddit asking for help in making this decision. My ex-partner has offered me only 29% of its current value, when I am actually entitled to 50%. He would also have to take out a new mortgage in his sole name for what’s still left to pay. The alternative is to take him to court for a judge to force the sale and delegate the appropriate percentage share for each of us. 

Thanks for all of your advice. Believe me, I really appreciate it!

However, it turns out my ex-partner has been lying through his teeth (no surprise there) about having a sole mortgage and the money to take over the house. He has absolutely nothing prepared and now I am sick and tired of his lies and constant demands. 

After 15 years together, I can no longer believe a word that comes out of his mouth. Therefore, I have advised my solicitor to go ahead with issuing a Section 150 and take him to court. It has already been 3 years of his back and forth over selling the house. 

I have finally had enough. It might take €20-25,000 and 3 more years, but it’s better than waiting a lifetime for something that will never materialize. He and his new partner/ victim might think they’re on to a good thing now, but I’m determined that karma will eventually do its thing. 

I now have scars on my wrists from how low he brought me down last year, but now I’m ready to fight like hell! Never again will I allow anyone to do this to me!

Don’t ever allow yourself to be put in this position. If I had agreed to marry him, it would be so much simpler and easier for me. In Ireland, there is no law to protect you when you are a co-habiting couple, no matter how long you have been together. So if this is the case where you live, heed this warning and make sure you marry your narcissist, so that he has no rights over yours!

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