Court Action

Apologies for my late blog today. I have been filling in lots of information for my solicitor to take my ex to court. It’s been quite a task with lots of detail required. But my solicitor is very experienced in this area and I’m hoping he will be able to gain me some recompense for this long, long nightmare. As I have said, this comes at a high cost though (€20-25,000 and 3 years). 

However, at this point, one thing I have learned is patience and how to wait for things. This includes my recovery and justice over my house. I will NEVER give in to this bully. He has no morals, compassion or empathy. So I hope that he will eventually get his just desserts!

He has been served with notice from my solicitor that he is now being taken to court. After all the unnecessary suffering he has put me through, it’s about time that he is made to realise that things won’t always go his way. 

Meanwhile, I am getting out every day to practice my walking with a stick and my focus is on me. It’s about time I made myself the priority in this whole nightmare! 

Next post will be published on Saturday 20th January!

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